Information about the station Grossziehten

Station: Grossziehten
Number of channels: 14
Location: Grossziehten-Schoenefeld
Location coordinates:
Longitude: 13.463611 Latitude: 52.409444
Show project on map
Last update:
19:40:00 04/24/2024
WR197 Grad
WG0.2 m/s
LT6.8 °C
relF67.4 %
Globalstrahlung1 W
LD999.4 hPa
Regen0 mm
Uv12.2 V

Information about the operator of the station

LK Dahme-Spree - Umweltamt
Weinbergstrasse 1
15907 Lübben

Tel. 03546 20-2333